Curriculum Vitae
Personal Profile

Joachim Küpper (born 1952) is a professor of romance studies and comparative literature at the Freie Universität Berlin. Küpper has published on authors from various periods, including Homer, Dante, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Francisco de Quevedo, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega, Alessandro Manzoni, Balzac, Flaubert, Theodor Fontane, and Alain Robbe-Grillet. In addition, he works on problems of literary theory and intellectual history. He is the author of eight monographs and approximately 100 articles, as well as the editor of numerous volumes and scholarly journals.
2019. Appointment offered, HSE National Research University, Moscow (declined)
2011/12 Appointment offered, University of Cologne (declined)
2009 – 2016 Visiting Professor/Directeur de recherche invité. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
2008 – 2010 Dean of the Humanities, Freie Universitaet Berlin
2003 Appointment offered, University of Bonn (declined)
2003 – 2010 Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
2001 – 2015 Editor in chief of Poetica
Since 2000 Full professorship with tenure, Romance Literatures and Comparative Literature, Freie Universitaet Berlin
1999 Appointment offered, University of Tuebingen (declined)
1997 – 2015 Co-editor of Romanistisches Jahrbuch
1994 Appointment offered, University of Duisburg (declined)
1993 Appointment offered, University of Potsdam (declined)
1990 – 1999 Full professorship with tenure, Romance Philology (French, Spanish and Italian literature), University of Wuppertal
1989 Admission to the Bavarian Fiebiger-Programme (Full professorship at the University of Regensburg); Appointment
offered, University of Wuppertal
1987 – 1989 Professorship without tenure, Romance Philology, University of Munich
1987 Habilitation: “Diskurs-Renovatio bei Lope de Vega und Calderón“
1980 Ph. D.; Dissertation: “Balzac und der Effet de réel“
Since 1977 Assistant Professor, Department of Romance Philology, University of Munich
1976 Staatsexamen French Studies (major); History (minor)
1970 – 1977 Studies of Romance Literatures and History (Universities of Bochum, Toulouse and Paris)
1958 – 1970 Elementary School, High School (Abitur)
Since 2018 Member (corr.), North-Rhine Westphalian Academy of Sciences
Since 2016 Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Since 2010 Member, German National Academy of Sciences / Leopoldina
2009 Advanced Grant, European Research Council
Since 2008 Member (corr.), Goettingen Academy
2001 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award, DFG/German Research Foundation
1987 Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award, DFG/German Research Foundation
1980 Dissertation Award, University of Bochum; Strasbourg Award, Foundation FVS
2021 - 2023 Chair, central committee for awarding tenure, University of Hamburg
2012 – 2015 Member, standing committee for European Research policy, HRK/German rectors‘ conference
2010 Chair, committee for ‘Research Ratings in the Humanities’ (Wissenschaftsrat)
2007 – 2015 Member, committee on research (Academies’ program), Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
2006 – 2012 Member, committee for research and the promotion of younger researchers, HRK/German rectors’ conference
2006 – 2012 Member, committee for the Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award, DFG
2012 – 2018 Director, International Network “Principles of Cultural Dynamics” (funded by DAAD)
2010 – 2016 Principle Investigator, ERC Advanced Grant Project: “Early Modern European Drama and the Cultural Net”
2007 – 2015 Member of the board, Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies (Excellence initiative, funded by DFG)
2007 – 2016 Director of the Dahlem Humanities Center (Excellence Initiative, third funding line (institutional strategy), funded by DFG; also funded by the (Federal) Ministry of Education and Research
2007 – 2012 Member, TOPOI (Cluster of Excellence, funded by DFG)
2003 – 2007 Member, Collaborative Research Center 626 (funded by DFG): ‘Aesthetic
Experience and the Dissolution of Artistic Limits’